About Us
About DABA
Dear beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, greetings to you all in the blessed name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Dimapur Ao Baptist Church had humble beginning in 1958 with just 7 families which has now grown to 5,000 plus families.The Pastor sees to the overall administration of the entire church which is a conglomeration of nine (9) Fellowship Churches. Each of this Fellowship Church is pastored by an Associate Pastor. The church has a strength of 29 full time staff, 33 part time staff and more than 800 lay Leaders involved in the home based ministry.
Church planting is done in two places: One among the Plain Karbis of Nagaon District in Assam and the other among the Idu Mishmis of Lower Dibang Valley & Upper Dibang Valley districts in Arunachal Pradesh. We do partner with like-minded mission agencies and theological institutions in the ministry of the lord.
The motto of the church is, “Occupy Till I Come” from Luke 19:13. We affirm that until such time as Jesus’ second coming the church is to continue the gospel ministry laboriously and diligently. To this end, we work tirelessly both at the home base and outside the church in and through the following ministries: (i). Extended Ministry (ii). Mission (iii). Women Ministry(iv). Youth Ministry (v). Christian Education Ministry (vi). Home evangelism & counselling Ministry (vii) Music Ministry.
There are two schools- Dimapur Mission Higher Secondary School (DMHSS) and Plain Karbi Mission English School (PKMES) run by the church with the aim to mould and achieve all round development of the students; both physical and spiritual.
As it is in a Baptist church, the general policy and ministry of the church lies with the general body (congregation) of the church, however, the day to day administration and management is exercised by the pastor’s office and the Board of Deacon’s office. Under these two offices, all the different ministries function accordingly. Each ministry is looked after by a committee.
We believe in God the Almighty the creator and sustainer of the universe; the virgin birth, life and work of Jesus Christ for salvation of humankind and His second coming: the Holy Spirit who abide and leads the believers into all truth: The mission of the God which has been given to all believers and the body of Christ, the church: We believe in heaven, hell and the resurrection of the faithful.
We love to hear from you as well therefore, if you have anything to share or have some queries about us please do so from the contact caption in the home page. We pray for God’s abundant blessings upon you.
Yours in His Grace Rev.I.Wati Pastor
Motto & Objectives
The motto of the church is, “Occupy Till I Come”
Luke 19:13.
It means to negotiate or trade, with the pounds (make use of the ministerial gifts), exercise them, lay them out, and trade with them. The church ministry is a trade and merchandise, to be carried on, not in the name of the ministers of Christ, nor on their own stock, nor for themselves, but for Christ, and for the good of souls; which shows, that they must not be slothful, but laborious and diligent.
Till I come:
It suggests the certainty of Christ’s coming, the continuance of the Gospel ministry to that time; and that there is no rest nor ease for Christ’s ministers, but a continued series of labour and service, until then; when, for their encouragement, they shall receive their reward.
Objectives (Nükjidong)
The DABA will be a Missionary Church. The Ao Naga Baptists believers under DABA Jurisdiction shall all be united under one Church, DABA.
The Church recognising and accepting the headship of Christ will carry out her ministries in accordance with the teachings of the Bible.
To save the lost souls and bring them under the grace of God in accordance with the teachings of the Bible and to nurture them into becoming mature Christians; to witness the gospel of Christ to the world and to involve the congregation in building up the kingdom of God.
To lead the Church in accordance with the Bible and the Baptist teachings and thus protect the church from false teachings.
Meet Our Pastors
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 2 Timothy 4:2
Associate Pastors
Rev. Kika Jamir
Contact:+91 9436260307
Rev. Dr. L. Lima Jamir
Contact: +91 9436018778
Email: limajamir16@gmail.com
Rev. Wati Kichu
Contact: +91 9436832571
Email: kichuti@yahoo.com
Mr.Limaakum Longchar (on Study Leave)
Contact: +91 9612637206
Email: limaba135@gmail.com
Mr. Imnatoshi Longkumer
Contact: +91 +91 94360 03553
Email: imnatoshi76@gmail.com
Mr. N. Imtatsung Imchen
Contact: +91 8787483774
Email: atsungmchn179@gmail.com
Rev. Alemwati Longkumer
Contact: +91 9436013486
Email: ilkr50@yahoo.com
Mr. Imtiakum
Contact: +91 9678756703
Mr. Imtimenba Jamir
Contact: +91 8851782895
More Daba Staffs
Head Of the Ministries
Establishment Staff
Know More About Our church
Fellowship churches
Town fellowship is located in Khermahal and this was the place where the worship services were held well into the early 1980’s. In other words, this was the worship center for the congregation, but after the decision to grant fellowship status to Duncan was resolved, the need to give a different name to the fellowship was felt. Thus in 1981 the nomenclature Town Fellowship was given to those areas adjoining Khermahal. Altogether, 13 pastors excluding the present serving pastor had served here before and after it was granted fellowship status.
The following colonies – Yimkonglenden, Circuit House area and Ora colony attended Nagarjan Fellowship until the early part of 2006 for the worship services. However, these colonies were plagued by the same problems and difficulties the other fellowships faced like travelling after the evening services in the dark, decreased attendance due to the long distance etc. Ultimately, it was decided that these areas needed a prayer cell, so in the year 2006, 28th of July with the blessings of Rev. S. Apong (Khar), Asso. Pastor DABA, the prayer cell was started. Since the Church Guideline did not permit appointing a full time minister to prayer cells, Mr. Imly Jamir (Changdang) the then DABA Secretaty was placed in charge. Ultimately, on 30th Jan 2011, fellowship status was granted to this prayer cell with the blessings of Rev. N. Tzüdir, Pastor DABA.
The believers in the areas/colonies adjoining Burma Camp initially attended the church services in Town Fellowship. However, the distance and large settlement of Aos in the vicinity coupled with population growth proved decisive in granting a prayer cell by the name Burma Camp Prayer Cell, DABA in April 1998 with Mr. T. Süngjem Longkümer, the then Home Evangelist as the prayer cell in charge. In 2006, the church sensing the need to grant fellowship status to this prayer cell did so under the nomenclature Burma Camp Fellowship, only to be renamed Lungmen Fellowship the following year. Until now 4 persons has served in the fellowship as in charges and as pastor excluding the present serving pastor.
Sümedem fellowship is located in Lengrijan. Initially the areas – Lengrijan and Industrial Estate were adjoined to Duncan Fellowship (cf. Duncan Fellowship), but the population spurt in the said areas, travelling after evening services in the dark and other related difficulties proved decisive in granting fellowship status to these areas. So, in 1984 it was decided by the church that fellowship status would be granted to Lengrijan, Industrial Estate and other adjoining areas. Since then, the fellowship had 12 pastors excluding the present serving pastor
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The Dimapur Ao Baptist Church (hereafter DABA) was founded in the year 1958 and Khermahal was the area where the church building was located and worship services held. This went on for some period of time well into the 1980’s. However, member growth, urban expansion (geographical area) and dispersed/scattered settlement of church members laid the seed for granting fellowship status to certain areas and this fellowship was the first among many.
The problems faced by the following areas viz. Duncan, Lengri and Industrial Estate provided the impetus to the creation of this fellowship. But now Lingri and Industrial Estate both are known by the name Lingrijan fellowship. So we see that Duncan fellowship did not initially started off as it is known today. We see a pattern of segregation yet a bond of unity. The people of these areas had to come all the way to Khermahal to attend church services which is a long way off. So, sensing the practical problems involved in travelling after the evening services in the dark and the long distance to be covered, the Church felt the need that fellowship status had to be granted to these areas. Thus, in 1981 the Duncan Fellowship was founded. Since then, the fellowship had 9 pastors excluding the present serving pastor.
The fellowship is located in signal colony. The Signal area, by the early 1980’s, witnessed huge settlement and population growth of the Ao Naga community; which would lead to problems in matters related to travelling, space shortage or accommodation in the main church etc. For easy movement and better church involvement and attendance, the church, on March 8, 1986 started the fellowship, with Pastor Rev. Longkok officially blessing and declaring the fellowship open. Mr. I. Onen (Kilengmen) who was a Deacon then was put in charge of the fellowship (Pastor in charge). Since then this fellowship had 9 (nine) pastors and 2 (two) pastor in charges.
Merali Fellowship is located in Viola Colony. The believers in Nepali Kashiram and other adjoining areas attended worship services in Lengrijan Fellowship but the increase in Ao Christian families in the area mentioned above by the middle of the 1980’s necessitated the genesis of a prayer cell. The Prayer Cell was started on June 16, 1990 with Mr. M. Panger (Longjang) as the prayer cell in charge. In 1992 the church bought a plot of land with a building, later refitted as a church building, and with the following colonies officially declared open Merali Fellowship – Nepali Kashiram, Viola colony, Lotha colony and Oriental colony. Mr. Kika Jamir served as the first full time pastor of this newly formed fellowship. Altogether, as many as 6 people served as either prayer cell or fellowship in charges and 4 as pastors excluding the present serving pastor. From house worship service in the residences’ of believers to Anganwati buildings the prayer cell has came a long way. Glory be to God.
This Fellowship falls under what is called Full-Nagarjan area or Electrical Colony. It was established so that believers in this area would get an opportunity to attend the worship services regularly as the distance to Khuda village where the Yinsem Fellowship is located was quite far. This measure also solved the problem for the congregation, of travelling back to their homes in the dark, after the evening services got over.
This Semnu Fellowship was an associate congregation in Yinsem Fellowship, having only their Wednesdays and Saturdays Worship Service in their own locality but attending Sunday Devotional Services in Yinsem Fellowship. They now have all the worship and devotional services in their own locality except for the first Sunday service of every month which is held in the Main Church Duncan.
This fellowship was started, comprising initially of Medical colony, Bank colony, Nagarjan and Electrical colony. The need to grant fellowship status became obvious when these areas faced a number of practical problems in regards to long distance travel to the main church in Khermahal, population growth in the area and other related problems. The fellowship officially commenced on February 16, 1985 with Mr. Imkongmeren (Akhoya) as the fellowship in charge until taken over by a full time staff Mr. N. Tzüdir (Changki) on May 31, 1986. Since then, 6 pastors had served here excluding the present serving pastor.